Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 8 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 8 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 8 Exercise Solution

Loops in Python

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 8 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 8 SolutionTouchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 8 solution

Loops in Python

In Python, loops are used to repeatedly execute a block of code. There are two main types of loops: for loops and while loops. Here’s an overview of both:

1. For Loop:

The for loop is used to iterate over a sequence (such as a list, tuple, string, or range) and execute a block of code for each item in the sequence.


for variable in sequence: # code to be executed for each item in the sequence


fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] for fruit in fruits: print(fruit)

2. While Loop:

The while loop is used to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a certain condition is true.


while condition: # code to be executed as long as the condition is true


count = 0 while count < 5: print(count) count += 1

Loop Control Statements:

1. break Statement:

The break statement is used to exit a loop prematurely, before the loop condition is false.


for i in range(10): if i == 5: break print(i)

2. continue Statement:

The continue statement is used to skip the rest of the code inside a loop for the current iteration and proceed to the next iteration.


for i in range(5): if i == 2: continue print(i)

3. else Clause in Loops:

Python allows an else clause to be associated with a loop. The code in the else block is executed when the loop condition becomes false.


for i in range(5): print(i) else: print("Loop finished")

These are the basics of using loops in Python. Depending on the situation, you can choose between for and while loops and use loop control statements to modify the flow of your program.

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 8 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 8 solution

1. Tick the correct option.

a. What do while loop do?

i) Repeat a chunk of code a given number of times

ii) Repeat a chunk of code until a condition is true

iii) Repeat a chunk of code until a condition is false

(iv) Repeat a chunk of code indefinitely

Ans: Repeat a chunk of code until a condition is true

b. Which of the following is a looping statement in Python?

(i) for statement                                    (ii) while statement

(iii) if statement                                   (iv) break statement

ans: (i) For Statement & (ii) while statement

c. Which of the following statements allow to repeat a task for a fixed number of times?

(i) for statement                                                (ii) while statement

(i) if… else statement                                       (iv) continue statement

ans: for statement

d. Which of the following statements terminates the execution of the loop?

(1) if                                                                    (ii) for

(iii) break                                                          (iv) continue

ans: break

2. Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.

infinite, break, while, continue, non-zero

a. The _____ statement executes a set of statements repeatedly, until the logical expression remains true.

ans: While

b. Any ___ value in the while loop indicates an always true condition whereas zero indicates _____ condition.

ans: non-zero , False

c. The ___ loop never ends.

ans: infinite

d. The __ and ___  are the jump statements in Python.

ans: break, contine

3. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements.

a. We can use do-while loop in Python.

ans False

b. The continue statement breaks the loops one by one.

ans False

c. To come out of the infinite loop, we can either close the program window or press Ctrl + C

ans: True

d. A sequence is a succession of values bound together by a single name.

ans: True

e. The while statement is the looping statement.

ans: True

4. Short answer type questions.
a. What is looping?
ans: Looping in Python involves repeating a set of instructions. The two main types are ‘for’ loops, iterating over a sequence, and ‘while’ loops, executing code while a condition is true.
b . Write the syntax to the for loop.
ans:  The syntax for a ‘for’ loop in Python is:
for variable in sequence: # code to be executed for each item in the sequence

C. What is the use of Jump statement?
ans: Jump statements in Python, like ‘break’ and ‘continue’, modify the flow of loops. ‘break’ terminates the loop prematurely, and ‘continue’ skips the rest of the code for the current iteration.
5. Long answer type questions.

a. Draw the flowchart of the for loop.

b. Define the use of while statement with the help of example and flowchart.
ans: The while statement in Python is used to create a loop that continues executing a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.
count = 0
while count < 5:
print(count) count += 1
Flow chart for while loop

c. Distinguish between continue and break statements.
ans: both the continue and break statements are used in loops for control flow. The continue statement skips the remaining code in the loop for the current iteration and moves to the next iteration. It’s useful for skipping specific conditions without exiting the entire loop. The break statement, however, abruptly terminates the entire loop, bypassing any remaining iterations, when a certain condition is met. This provides a way to exit a loop prematurely. Both statements are valuable for managing the flow of execution within loops, allowing for more flexible and targeted control over program behavior.

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