Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 Exercise Solution

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CC

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2  Solution

Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CC

Features of Photoshop

  1. Layers: Non-destructive editing and compositional control.
  2. Selection Tools: Precise isolation of image areas.
  3. Brushes and Painting: Digital painting and touch-up capabilities.
  4. Retouching and Healing: Seamlessly remove imperfections.
  5. Filters and Effects: Apply various artistic and visual effects.
  6. Smart Objects: Maintain image quality during transformations.
  7. Adjustment Layers: Non-destructive color and tonal adjustments.
  8. Text Tools: Typography and text manipulation options.
  9. 3D Modeling: Creation and manipulation of 3D objects.
  10. Video Editing: Basic video editing within Photoshop.
  11. Adobe Camera Raw: Advanced raw image adjustments.
  12. Content-Aware Fill: Intelligent object removal/filling.
  13. Color Correction: Precise color adjustments.
  14. Crop and Perspective Tools: Image cropping and distortion correction.
  15. Integration with Creative Cloud: Seamless workflow with other Adobe software.

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 solution

Adobe Photoshop stands as a cornerstone in the world of digital image editing, offering a plethora of tools and features that empower users to manipulate, enhance, and transform images in virtually limitless ways. Understanding and effectively utilizing these tools can greatly enhance your creative prowess. In this article, we’ll delve into some of Photoshop’s fundamental tools and techniques, providing you with a solid foundation to embark on your artistic journey.

1. Crop Tool: Framing Your Vision

The Crop Tool is a fundamental tool that lets you trim and reshape your images to focus on the most essential elements. It’s perfect for eliminating unnecessary distractions and improving composition. Simply select the Crop Tool, adjust the cropping area, and hit Enter. You can also use preset aspect ratios for common print sizes or social media platforms.

2. Insert Text: Conveying Messages within Images

Photoshop allows you to seamlessly integrate text into your images, enabling you to create stunning visual narratives. The Text Tool permits you to add, format, and manipulate text layers. Experiment with fonts, sizes, colors, and alignment to achieve the desired impact. Whether it’s captions, quotes, or titles, text integration adds an extra layer of depth to your images.

3. Saving Files: Preserving Your Masterpieces

After spending time perfecting your creation, it’s imperative to save your work. Photoshop offers various file formats, each catering to different needs. The commonly used formats include JPEG for images with a broad spectrum of colors and PNG for images with transparent backgrounds. Remember to use the “Save As” option to prevent overwriting your original file.

4. Placing an Image: Incorporating External Elements

Combining multiple images can lead to stunning visual amalgamations. Use the “Place” command to import images into your current project as separate layers. This allows you to blend, arrange, and manipulate elements to create cohesive compositions. This technique is especially useful for photo collages and digital art.

5. Move and Selection Tools: Navigating and Isolating

The Move Tool facilitates effortless repositioning of elements within your composition. Click and drag to relocate layers, text, and other objects. Additionally, Photoshop’s Selection Tools, like the Marquee and Lasso tools, help you isolate specific portions of an image for further manipulation, copying, or editing.

6. Painting Tool: Adding Artistic Strokes

The Brush Tool opens the door to digital painting and intricate detailing. With a variety of brush presets and customizable settings, you can mimic different brush types and textures. Whether it’s retouching, enhancing colors, or adding artistic flair, the Brush Tool lets you bring your creative visions to life.

7. Transform Tool: Flexibility in Form

The Transform Tool allows you to scale, rotate, skew, and distort layers to fit your creative vision. Press Ctrl+T (Windows) or Command+T (Mac) to activate this tool. Holding down the Shift key while dragging the corners maintains proportions, while rotating handles enable you to spin elements precisely.

8. Closing Files and Exiting Photoshop: Wrapping Up

Once your editing session is complete, you can close files individually or all at once. Use the “File” menu to close the active file, and if you’re done with Photoshop entirely, choose “Exit” from the same menu. Ensure you’ve saved any changes before exiting to prevent data loss.

In conclusion, Adobe Photoshop empowers creators with an array of powerful tools and techniques. Whether you’re a photographer, graphic designer, or digital artist, mastering these fundamental tools can greatly enhance your ability to transform ordinary images into extraordinary works of art. By embracing the Crop Tool, Text Tool, Saving Options, Placing Images, Move and Selection Tools, Painting Tool, Transform Tool, and proper file management, you’ll embark on a journey toward unlocking your full creative potential.

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 solution

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 solution Short Question Answer

1. Tick the correct option.

A. Which of the following selection tool works like a pencil?
(i) Polygonal Lasso Tool                                        (ii) Lasso Tool
(iii) Magnetic Lasso Tool                                       (iv) None of These

Ans: Lasso Tool

B. Which of the following tools is not found on the Tools panel?
(i) Gradient                                                          (ii) Crop
(iii) Layer                                                         (iv) Brush
Ans: Layer
C. While opening a new file in Photoshop, which of these tabs is not available in the New Document dialog box?
(i) Photo                                                               (ii) Print 
(iii) Web                                                                (iv) Update

Ans: Update

D. Which of these tools helps you to inset text in the Photoshop document?
(i) Paint Bucket Tool                                       (ii) Type Tool
(iii) Pencil Tool                                                 (iv) Brush Tool

Ans: Type tool

E. In the Color Replacement Tool, which of these options helps in selecting the reange of color and replacing it with the forground color?
(i) Tolerance                                                        (ii) Limits
(iii) Anti-aliasing                                                 (iv) Flow

Ans: Tolerance

2. Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.

Tiny dots, advanced, began, .psd, Application

A. Photoshop CC is the …………….. version of Adobe Photoshop CS6
Ans: Advanced
B. Pixels are the ……………. on the computer screen
Ans: tiny dots
C. Extension of Photoshop file is …………………
Ans: .psd
D. To complete the selection, return to the spot where you …………. and release the mouse button.
Ans: began
E. Options bar is available below the ………………Bar.
Ans: Application

3. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for false.

A. Perspective Crop Tool does not help with the distoration of an image caused by projecting it onto an angled surface …….F
B. Transform Tool can be found in the Edit menu on the Application bar …….T
C. You can insert an image into an existing file by clicking on the place Embdded option from the File Menu. …….T
D. Gradint background can be created with the help of the Paint Bucket Tool……….F
E. In the Color Replacement Tool, Sampling Continuous option replaces all the colors with the foreground color …….T

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 solution Short Question Answer

4. Short Answer Type Questions.

A. What do you mean by pixels?
Ans: The smallest elements of a picture is known as pixel. pixel is the short for picture element. 
B. Define the Paint Bucket Tool.
Ans: The Paint Bucket Tool in Photoshop fills adjacent pixels that are similar in color in the image. It fills with either the selected foreground color or with a pattern.
C. What do you mean by Resterize?
Ans: Reserise is the process of converting a vector image to rester image.
D. What is Layers panel?
Ans: It contins all the layers present in the Photoshop document. Whenever you add  an image into a photoshop document, a new layer is created.
E. What do you mean by a layer?
Ans: Layers are transparent sheets stacked on top of each other.

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 2 solution Long Question Answer

5. Long answer type questions

A. What is selection tool? Write the names of any three selection tools.

Ans. Selection tool is a fundamental feature that enables users to define and isolate specific parts of an image for editing, retouching, or manipulation while leaving the rest unaffected. Three notable selection tools are:

  1. Rectangular Marquee Tool: This tool creates rectangular or square selections, useful for straightforward, geometric areas.

  2. Lasso Tool: With variations like the Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, and Magnetic Lasso, it offers freehand or straight-edged selections, handy for intricate or irregular shapes.

  3. Magic Wand Tool: It selects contiguous areas based on color similarity, streamlining the process when dealing with areas of similar hues.

B. Name few Blending brush combinations of Mixer Brush Tool. Write the steps to use the Mixer Brush Tool.
Ans. Wet Blend, Dry Brush, Oil Pain, Moist, Very Wet etc. 
Step 1 Open a new document and select the mixer brush tool from tool panel.
Step 2 Select the desired brush from the brush presets picker in the options bar.
Step 3 Set various options in the options bar according to your preferences.
Step 4 Click on drag the mouse on image to paint.
C. What is the role of Slice Tool when we are talking about  a website?
Ans:The Slice Tool in web design divides images into optimized sections for faster loading. It enables tailored optimization for each slice, benefiting webpage performance, user experience, and responsive design across devices.
C. How will you work with the Quick Selection Tool? Is it better that Magic Want Tool? Support your answer.

Ans: Quick Selection Tool: The Quick Selection Tool is designed to make selections by quickly “painting” over an area you want to select. It’s particularly useful for selecting objects with well-defined edges, such as people or objects against a clear background.

Magic Wand Tool: The Magic Wand Tool, on the other hand, selects areas based on color similarity. You click on a specific color in the image, and the tool selects all nearby pixels with similar colors within a certain tolerance range. 

Neither tool is universally better than the other. The choice between the Quick Selection Tool and the Magic Wand Tool depends on the specific image and your selection needs:

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