Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 Exercise Solution

Latest Technological Developments

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 solution

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Latest Technological Developments

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

    • Continued advancements in AI and ML, with applications in various fields such as healthcare, finance, and autonomous systems.
    • Increased emphasis on responsible AI and ethical considerations.
  • 5G Technology:

    • The global rollout of 5G networks for faster and more reliable wireless communication.
    • Integration of 5G in various industries, including IoT, smart cities, and augmented reality.
  • Edge Computing:

    • Growing importance of edge computing to process data closer to the source, reducing latency and improving efficiency.
  • Quantum Computing:

    • Progress in quantum computing research, with companies and research institutions working on developing practical quantum computers.
  • Biotechnology and Health Tech:

    • Advances in genomics, personalized medicine, and digital health technologies.
    • Increased focus on vaccine development and healthcare innovations in response to global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies:

    • Ongoing developments in blockchain technology for applications beyond cryptocurrencies, such as supply chain management, smart contracts, and decentralized finance (DeFi).
  • Robotics and Automation:

    • Continued integration of robots and automation in industries like manufacturing, logistics, and healthcare.
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR):

    • Progress in AR and VR technologies for applications in gaming, education, healthcare, and industrial training.
  • Cybersecurity:

    • Increased focus on cybersecurity measures and technologies to address growing cyber threats and attacks.
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainability Tech:

    • Advancements in renewable energy technologies and sustainable practices, including developments in solar power, energy storage, and electric vehicles

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 solution

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 solution

1. Tick the correct option.

A. _____________ is not an area of application of AI.
(i) Expert system                                            (ii) Natural Language Processing
(iii) 3D Printing                                                (iv) Robotics

Ans: 3D Printing

B. The app ___________ uses the GPS location of the smartphone and the camera to collect information about the user’s surroundings.
 (i) Star Walk                                                 (ii) Layar
(iii) Mimo                                                      (iv) Compass
 Ans: Layar
c. The camera in the device __________ recognizes and tracks the users hand gestures with the help of computer-vision techniques.
 (i) Sixth Sense                                              (ii) Google Glass
(iii) Oculus Rift                                              (iv) Mimo
Ans: Sixth Sense
d. _____________is not a type of 3D Printing.
(i) Indirect 3D printing                                 (ii) Direct 3D printing
(iii) Binder 3D printing                                 (iv) Fused Deposition Modeling
Ans: Indirect 3D printing
e. The system of connected computing devices creating a virtual network is known as___________
 (i)VR                                                               (ii) loT
(ⅲ) RPA                                                          (iv) AR
Ans: IoT 
2. Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.
Shakey, Virtual, RP, Augmented Reality, RPA
a. ____Augmented Reality_____is the blending of Virtual Reality and real life.
b. The purpose of ___RPA___ is to transfer the execution of the process from humans to robots.
c. _____Shakey____ was the first robot to use Al to navigate.
d. In ___virtual____ reality, a virtual world is created that users can interact with.
e. ____RP____ method is used to create models to quickly test a new product before mass production.

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 6 Solution Short Question Answer

3. Write True or False.

a. I-Apps are software written for mobile devices based on robotics and machine learning technology.
ans: False
b. Facial recognition software and video surveillance cameras are examples of pattern recognition software.
ans: True
c. 3D Printing was first developed at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in the 2005.
ans: False
d. The system where biological materials like cells and growth factors are fused to create tissue-like structures replicating their natural equivalents is called bioprinting.
ans: True
e. Robotic automation creates a new IT structure with complex system integrations.
ans: False
4. Short answer type questions.
a. What is AI?
ans: AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. These tasks include learning, reasoning, problem-solving, perception, natural language understanding, and speech recognition. The goal of AI is to create systems that can adapt, improve, and function autonomously.
b. Write a short note on Pattern recognition.
ans: Pattern recognition is the automated identification of patterns within data, integral to artificial intelligence and machine learning. It involves extracting meaningful features from information, creating models, and making predictions. Used extensively in diverse fields, from image and speech recognition to financial forecasting, it enhances systems’ ability to understand and respond to complex data sets.
c. What do you mean by Rapid prototyping? 
ans: Rapid prototyping is a quick and iterative process in product development, creating a tangible model or prototype for testing and feedback. It allows for swift design adjustments before full-scale production, reducing time and costs. Common methods include 3D printing and computer-aided design to accelerate innovation and improve final product quality.
d. What is RPA? Explain.
ans: RPA, or Robotic Process Automation, involves the use of software robots or “bots” to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks within business processes. RPA mimics human actions in interacting with digital systems, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and speed. It’s widely employed in various industries to streamline workflows and reduce manual workloads.
e. What is I-Apps?
ans: “I-Apps” is not a widely recognized term. However, it might refer to “Intelligent Apps” or “Interactive Apps.” Intelligent Apps typically incorporate AI, machine learning, or other advanced technologies for enhanced functionality. Interactive Apps generally engage users with dynamic content or features. The specific context would provide a more accurate interpretation of the term.
5. Long answer type questions.
a. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Expert systems
 ans: Expert systems are computer programs designed to emulate the decision-making ability of a human expert in a specific domain. They use knowledge bases, rules, and inference engines to analyze information and provide solutions or recommendations. Expert systems are employed in various fields, from medicine to finance, for problem-solving and decision support.
(ii) Natural language processing
ans: Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence focused on enabling computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language. NLP involves language comprehension, sentiment analysis, and language generation, facilitating communication between machines and humans. It’s used in applications like virtual assistants, chatbots, and language translation services.
(iii) Intelligent agents
ans: Intelligent agents are autonomous entities that observe their environment, make decisions, and take actions to achieve goals. Often used in artificial intelligence, these agents can adapt to changing circumstances, learn from experience, and interact with their surroundings. Examples include software agents in computer systems and robotic agents in physical environments.
(iv) AR
ans:  Augmented Reality (AR) merges computer-generated content with the real-world environment, enhancing the user’s perception. Through devices like smartphones or AR glasses, it overlays digital information, such as graphics or data, onto the physical world. AR finds applications in gaming, education, navigation, and industrial training, among various other fields.
(v) VR
b. List the applications of AR and VR.
(v) VR
ans: Virtual Reality (VR) immerses users in a computer-generated environment, simulating a three-dimensional experience. Utilizing VR headsets or goggles, users can interact with and navigate through this synthetic world. VR is widely used in gaming, training simulations, education, and therapeutic applications, providing an immersive and often interactive experience.
b. List the applications of AR and VR
ans: AR applications include gaming, navigation, education (e.g., interactive textbooks), and retail (virtual try-ons). VR finds use in gaming, training simulations (e.g., flight or medical simulations), education (virtual field trips), healthcare (therapy and pain management), and architecture (virtual walkthroughs). Both technologies have growing applications in design, marketing, and collaborative work environments.
c. Explain Internet of Things with suitable examples.
ans: The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to a network of interconnected devices that communicate and share data to perform tasks. Examples include smart home devices like thermostats and security cameras, wearable fitness trackers, and industrial sensors monitoring equipment. IoT enhances efficiency and enables automation by connecting various physical objects to the internet.  
d. Write the applications of 3D Printing.
ans: 3D printing applications include prototyping for product development, custom manufacturing of medical implants and prosthetics, creating intricate and personalized designs in industries like fashion and jewelry, producing architectural models, aerospace component fabrication, and even food printing for culinary purposes. It offers versatile and efficient manufacturing solutions across various sectors. 

e Distinguish between AR and VR.

ans: Augmented Reality (AR) overlays digital information on the real world, enhancing the user’s environment. Virtual Reality (VR) immerses users in a simulated environment, detached from the real world. AR enhances reality, while VR creates a wholly immersive experience. Both technologies find applications in gaming, education, and industry.
Latest Technological Development

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