Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 Exercise Solution

Computer Safety and Security

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 solution​

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Computer Safety and Security

Computer safety and security are paramount in our digital age to protect systems, networks, and data from various threats. Here are some essential aspects:

  1. Antivirus Software: Install reputable antivirus software to protect against malware, viruses, and other malicious software.

  2. Firewalls: Enable firewalls to control incoming and outgoing network traffic, acting as a barrier between a trusted network and an untrusted one.

  3. Regular Updates: Keep your operating system, software, and applications up to date with the latest security patches and updates to address vulnerabilities.

  4. Strong Passwords and Authentication: Use complex, unique passwords and enable multi-factor authentication wherever possible to enhance login security.

  5. Backup Systems: Regularly backup your data to prevent loss due to ransomware, hardware failure, or other unforeseen circumstances.

  6. Secure Network: Use encryption and secure Wi-Fi networks to protect data while in transit. Also, change default router settings and passwords.

  7. Phishing Awareness: Be cautious of suspicious emails, links, and attachments. Avoid providing personal information or clicking on unknown links.

  8. Limit Access Rights: Grant access to data and systems only to those who require it. Implement the principle of least privilege.

  9. Secure Browsing: Use secure web browsers, be mindful of the sites you visit, and use ad-blockers and anti-tracking extensions.

  10. Security Policies and Education: Establish clear security policies in an organization and educate individuals about potential threats and best practices for security.

  11. Device Management: Implement Mobile Device Management (MDM) for mobile devices, including remote wipe capabilities in case they’re lost or stolen.

  12. Monitoring and Incident Response: Continuously monitor systems for any suspicious activities and have an incident response plan in place for immediate action if a breach occurs.

  13. Physical Security: Protect physical access to computers and servers to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.

  14. Compliance with Regulations: Adhere to relevant data protection regulations and standards like GDPR, HIPAA, etc.

  15. Regular Security Audits: Conduct periodic security audits to assess vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with security protocols.

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying vigilant and regularly updating security measures is crucial to safeguard against ever-changing threats and vulnerabilities.

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 solution

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 solution

1. Tick the correct option.

A. Norton is a / an _______________
(i) System Software                                                   (ii) Operating System
(iii) Antivirus                                                               (iv) All of these

Ans: Antivirus

B. You can backup your data into_____________
(i) UPS                                                                (ii) External Hard Drive
(iii) Mouse                                                         (iv) None of these
Ans: External Hard Drive
C. ___________ is a type of malware.
(i) Encryption                                                                (ii) Trojan Horse
(iii) AVG                                                        (iv) None of these.

Ans: Trojan Horse

Lets Catch up ( T for Ture and F for False).

A. Encrypted data can be understood easily……………….F

B. Computer safety refers to the protection of computer based resources against unauthorised use………………….T

C. Antivirus is used to eradicate virus from the computer system……………….T

D. Authentication is the process of verifying a user’s identity before granting him or her access to a computer system………………..T

2. Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.

biometric, malware, encryption, decryption, zombia

A. Malacious software is known as ………………..
Ans: Malware
B. Recognition of biological characteristics is an example of ………….. authentication.
Ans: Biometric
C. …………….. is the process of converting encrypted data into a readable form.
Ans: Decryption
D. Decryption is the opposite of …………..
Ans: Encryption
E. ……………… works in a similar way as the spyware.
Ans: Zombie

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 Solution Short Question Answer

3. Short Answer Type Questions.

A. What is eant by authentication? What are the types of authentication?
Ans: Authentication is the process of verifying a user’s identity before granting him or her access to a computer syste.
B. What is trojan?
AnsIt is a type of malware which conceal itslf inside the software that seems legitimate.
C. What is the use of antivirus program?
Ans: Antivirus programs is used to identify and remove malware from the system.
Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 4 solution Long Question Answer

4. Long answer type questions

A. How will you keep your computer physically fit?
AnsTo keep computer system physically fit we should take care of following things.
1. Dust Control
2. Cleaning of peripherals
3. Controling of Temprature
4. Software Maintenance
5. Avoid Physical Damage
B. What is malware? How does it affect your computer? Mention some types of malwares.
AnsMalware is a malicious software. it refers to software programs designed to damage or carryout other unwanted actions on a computer system.
Types of Malwares are given below:
1. Worms:
2. Spyware:
3. Zombie
4. Ransomware
C. Differentiate between virus and worm.
  1. Virus:

    • A virus is a type of malware that attaches itself to a legitimate program or file.
    • Viruses often require human action to spread, such as opening an infected email attachment or executing an infected file.
    • They can cause damage to data, corrupt files, and may sometimes even render a system inoperable.
    • Viruses can also spread through removable storage devices, networks, or downloads from the internet.
  2. Worm:

    • A worm is a standalone malicious program that doesn’t need to attach itself to an existing file or program to spread. 
    • Worms can spread rapidly by exploiting vulnerabilities in network protocols, software, or operating systems.
    • Unlike viruses, worms are self-replicating and do not necessarily need human action to spread. They can autonomously search for vulnerabilities and propagate across networks.
    • Worms can overload networks, consume bandwidth, and cause system slowdowns or crashes.
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