Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7 Exercise Solution

Images, Links and Frames in HTML5

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7 solution​

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7  Solution

Images, Links and Frames in HTML5

In the expansive realm of web development, HTML5 has solidified itself as a cornerstone technology. Its versatility and capacity to define the structure and content of web pages has revolutionized the way we interact with information on the internet. Among its key features are images, links, and frames, each playing an integral role in enhancing user experience, aiding navigation, and creating visually appealing web pages.

Images: Capturing Attention and Enhancing Communication

Images are the visual storytellers of the digital world. They have the remarkable ability to convey emotions, information, and narratives with a single glance. In HTML5, the <img> element is used to embed images within web pages. This element allows developers to specify the image’s source using the src attribute, providing a path to the image file. Additionally, attributes like alt can be used to provide alternative text, which is crucial for accessibility purposes and aids individuals using screen readers.

To ensure optimal performance and responsiveness, HTML5 introduced the srcset attribute. This attribute allows developers to provide multiple image sources and their corresponding sizes, enabling the browser to select the most appropriate image based on the user’s device and screen size.

Links: Navigating the Web of Information

Hyperlinks, often referred to as links, are the bridges that connect web pages and create a cohesive browsing experience. In HTML5, the <a> element is used to define hyperlinks. The href attribute within the <a> element determines the destination of the link, whether it’s another web page, a file, or even an email address.

HTML5 brought improvements to link navigation. The target attribute can be employed to specify how the linked content should be displayed. For instance, using _blank as the target value opens the linked content in a new browser tab or window. This enhances user convenience, allowing them to explore external content without leaving the current page.

Frames: Organizing Content and Layouts

Frames allow developers to divide a web page into distinct sections, each capable of displaying separate HTML documents. This technique was particularly popular in earlier versions of HTML but has been largely replaced by more modern approaches due to limitations in accessibility, SEO, and responsiveness.

While traditional frames are less used today, HTML5 provides a mechanism for creating more flexible and accessible layouts called the <iframe> element. It allows developers to embed external content within a web page, such as videos, maps, or social media feeds. However, caution is advised when using iframes, as they can lead to security vulnerabilities if not implemented properly.

Best Practices and Considerations

While integrating images, links, and frames into HTML5 enhances the overall web experience, there are several considerations and best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Accessibility: Provide alternative text for images using the alt attribute and ensure proper contrast for users with visual impairments. Design links with descriptive text to enhance understanding when read out by screen readers.

  2. Performance: Optimize image sizes and formats to minimize loading times. Use responsive images with the srcset attribute to cater to various devices and screen sizes.

  3. Navigation: Maintain consistency in link styling and placement to aid user navigation. Avoid using frames for layouts due to their drawbacks in terms of SEO and accessibility.

  4. Security: When using iframes, ensure they originate from trusted sources to prevent security vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS).


Images, links, and frames are fundamental elements that enrich the web browsing experience and facilitate efficient navigation. HTML5’s continued evolution empowers developers to harness these elements effectively while adhering to best practices that enhance accessibility, performance, and security. By embracing these components with a holistic understanding, web developers can craft engaging and user-friendly digital landscapes that captivate and inform users across the globe.

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7 solution Short Question Answer

1. Tick the correct option.

A. Which of the following attribute is not used with the <IMG> tag?
(i) SRC                                                                        (ii) FRAME
(iii) Height                                                                  (iv) BORDER


B. Is is a highlighted text or image, which when clicked takes to another web page.
(i) Anchor                                                             (ii) Tag
(iii) Hyperlink                                                    (iv) Table
Ans: Hyperlink
C. Which of the following is not a form element in HTML?
(i) <SELECT>                                                                 (ii) <INPUT>
(iii) <TEXTAREA>                                                         (iv) <IMG>

Ans: <IMG>

D. Which of these attributes is used in internal linking?
(i) NAME                                                           (ii) HREF
(iii) Both(i) and (ii)                                           (iv) None of these

Ans: Both (i) and (ii)

E. Which of these attributes is used to specify the height of the frame on the webpage?
(i) HEIGHT                                                          (ii) WIDTH
(iii) Both(i) and (ii)                                           (iv) RESIZE


2. Write T for Ture and F for False.

A. The defalut color of the visited link is blue……………….T

B. We cannot specify the width and height of an image in a webpage…………………F

C. PNG image file format stands for Portable Ink Group………………..F

D. TEXTAREA tag is used to create a multi line text box that can accept long text value………………..T

E. FORM tag is used to create the form boundary on the web page………………..T

3. Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.

SELECT, Internal link, <A>, INPUT, <FRAMESET>

A. A link that connects to another place on the same webpage is called an ……………
Ans: Internal Link
B. The ……………… tag is used to link two web pages
Ans: <A>
C. ……………. tag with the <OPTION> tag allows us to create a drop-down list.
D. The <FRAME> tag is used under the ……………… tag.
D. ………………… tag is used to create the controls or fields to take the input from the user in the form of text, selection and click.
Ans: Input

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7 solution Short Question Answer

4. Short Answer Type Questions.

A. What does HREF stand for?
Ans: HREF Stand for Hypertext Refrence.
B. What is the purpose of ALINK attributes?
Ans: It is used to set the style for an unvisited link.
C. Define frames.
Ans: Frames are the different sections or parts of a web page.
D. What is the use of the BORDER attribute in the <IMG> tag.
Ans: It specifies the thickness of the border surrounding the image.
Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 7 solution Long Question Answer

5. Long answer type questions

A. Explain the purpose of the following attributes in HTML.
(i) Action                   (ii) Method                (iii) Type
Ans. Action: This attribute is used to specify th action that will take place when we submit the form values.
Method: It specifies the type of method form will use to accept the values entered into form fields.
Type: This attribute is used to specify the type of field we want to create. It takes one of the predefined values.
B. Define any two attributes used with the <IMG> tag.
Ans. Height: It specifies the height of the image in the web page.
Align: It aligns the image with respect to the text placed adjacent to the image.
C. Describe all the attributes of the <FRAME> tag.
Ans: SRC: It is used to specify the URL of the web page which you want to display in the frame.
HEIGHT: It is used to specify the height of the frame.
WIDTH: It is used to specify the width of the frame.
NAME: It is used to specify the name of the frame. This name can be used in the TARGET attribute of the <A> tag.

D. Write HTML code to add audio in a web page

<H1 ALIGN =”CENTER”> welcome to Musical world</H1>
<AUDIO SRC =”D:\flute.mp3″>
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