Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 Exercise Solution

Domains of AI

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 SolutionTouchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 solution

Domains of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses various domains, each focusing on different aspects of intelligence simulation and problem-solving. Some of the key domains of AI include:

  1. Machine Learning: A subset of AI that focuses on the development of algorithms and statistical models that enable computers to perform tasks without explicit programming. It includes techniques like supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.

  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP deals with the interaction between computers and humans through natural language. It involves tasks such as text parsing, sentiment analysis, language translation, and speech recognition.

  3. Computer Vision: This domain involves enabling computers to interpret and understand visual information from the real world. Computer vision encompasses tasks such as image recognition, object detection, image generation, and video analysis.

  4. Robotics: Robotics integrates AI, engineering, and mechanics to create machines that can perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously. Robotics involves areas such as perception, manipulation, motion planning, and human-robot interaction.

  5. Expert Systems: These are AI systems designed to mimic the decision-making abilities of a human expert in a specific domain. They use rules and heuristics to solve complex problems and provide recommendations or solutions.

  6. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: This domain focuses on developing methods to represent knowledge in a structured format that computers can utilize to reason and make decisions. It includes techniques such as ontologies, semantic networks, and knowledge graphs.

  7. Game Playing: Game-playing AI involves developing algorithms capable of playing games at a human or superhuman level. Examples include chess-playing programs, Go-playing programs, and video game AI.

  8. AI Ethics and Fairness: With the increasing integration of AI into various aspects of society, there is a growing focus on ethical considerations surrounding AI development and deployment. This domain involves studying the ethical implications of AI systems, addressing biases, ensuring fairness, and promoting responsible AI use.

  9. AI for Healthcare: AI is increasingly being used in healthcare for tasks such as medical imaging analysis, disease diagnosis, personalized treatment recommendation, and drug discovery.

  10. AI for Finance: In the finance domain, AI is used for tasks such as algorithmic trading, fraud detection, risk assessment, and customer service automation.

  11. The advantages of AI (Artificial Intelligence) are numerous and diverse, impacting various aspects of human life and industries. Here are some key advantages:

    1. Automation: AI enables the automation of repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on more creative and strategic activities. This leads to increased productivity and efficiency in various fields such as manufacturing, customer service, and data analysis.

    2. Decision Making: AI systems can analyze vast amounts of data and make data-driven decisions faster and more accurately than humans. This is particularly useful in fields like finance, healthcare, and marketing, where decisions must be made based on complex data patterns.

    3. 24/7 Operations: AI-powered systems can operate around the clock without fatigue or the need for breaks, leading to continuous service availability and improved customer satisfaction.

    4. Cost Reduction: By automating tasks and optimizing processes, AI can significantly reduce operational costs for businesses. This includes savings in labor costs, resource utilization, and error reduction.

    5. Personalization: AI algorithms can analyze user preferences and behavior to deliver personalized recommendations and experiences in various domains such as e-commerce, entertainment, and content delivery.

    6. Improved Healthcare: AI applications in healthcare, such as medical imaging analysis, predictive analytics, and personalized medicine, can lead to earlier disease detection, more accurate diagnoses, and better treatment outcomes.

    7. Enhanced Safety: AI-powered systems can improve safety in various contexts, such as autonomous vehicles, predictive maintenance in manufacturing, and monitoring systems for detecting anomalies or security threats.

    8. Innovation and Discovery: AI enables researchers to explore complex problems and make new discoveries by analyzing large datasets, simulating scenarios, and identifying patterns that may not be apparent to humans.

    9. Accessibility: AI technologies can improve accessibility for people with disabilities by providing assistive technologies such as speech recognition, text-to-speech, and vision enhancement systems.

    10. Environmental Impact: AI can be used to optimize energy consumption, reduce waste, and improve resource efficiency in sectors such as transportation, agriculture, and energy management, contributing to environmental sustainability.

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 8 Ch 10 solution

1. Tick the correct option.

a. which of the Following technology will be used to track player movement in tennis?

(i) NLP                                                          (ii) Machine Learning

(iii) Computer Vision                                   (iv) None of these

Ans: Computer Vision

b. Which of the following is a sub-field of AI which helps in communication between human and computer in natural language?

(i) NLP                                                            (ii) CV

(iii) Big Data                                                  (iv) None of these

Ans: NLP

c. What is Artificial Intelligence?

(i) Playing a game on computer                                                  (ii) Making a machine intelligent

(iii) Programming on machine with your own intelligence      (iv) Putting your intelligence in machine

Ans: Programming on machine with your own intelligence

d. Which of the following have the tendency to get bored while performing repetitive tasks?

(i) Human                                                          (ii) AI System 

(iii) Both (i) & (ii)                                              (iv) None of these

Ans: Human

2. State whether these statements are true or false.

a. NLP proves to be quite usefull in voice text messaging and virtual assistants ____T____

b. The speed at which humans take decision is much slower than AI system. _____T____

c. Self-driving cars use computer vision to examine their surroundings and plan its path. ______T____

d. Big data helps AI to discover the customer’s shopping habits.  ________T_______

e. The spell check feature of word processor is based on NLP _____T____

3. Short answer type questions.

a. What is big data?

Ans: Big data can be defined as massive amount of stored data which when analysed properly could reveal valuable insights into industry to which the data belongs.

b. Define Natural Language Processing?

Ans: It is a sub-field of AI which helps in communication between human and computer in natural language. It enables a computer to read and understand data by mimicking humand natural language.

c. What do you mean by computer vision?

Ans: Computer vision is a very popular field of AI that trains a computer to understand and interpret the visual world. 

4. Long answer type questions.

a. Explain any two real life usages of NLP?
Ans:  1. NLP checks the sender of the email and categorises the mails as spam or junk.
2. Spell check feature of word processors. 
3.NLP also proves to be quite usefull in voice text messaging and virtual assistants.

b. Explain any two advantages of AI.
Ans: 1. Process Automation: Humans have the tendency to get bored while performing repetitive task. Such tasks can be done by intelligent machines without any external intervention.
2. Quick Decision Making: The speed at which humans tke decisions is much slower than AI system. AI-enabled system can process information faster and more efficiently.

c. What are the applications of Computer vision?
Ans: 1. Self-driving cars use computer vision to examin their surrounding and plan its path
2. Drones can use computer vision to examine the health of crops.
3. Computer vision can be used to check the patient’s image and determine the ailment.
4. Security and surveillance
Let’s Solve
 Q 1. which number should replace the quiestion mark in the following?
15, 5, 26, 80, 13, 11, 16, 8, 120, 94, 76 ?
Ans: Given sequence: 15, 5, 26, 80, 13, 11, 16, 8, 120, 94, 76, 130
Now let’s analyze the pattern:
15 – 10 = 5
5 × 5 + 1 = 26
26 × 3 + 2 = 80
80 / 6 – 7 = 13
13 – 2 = 11
11 + 5 = 16
16 / 2 = 8
8 × 15 = 120
120 – 26 = 94
94 – 18 = 76
76 + 54 = 130
The pattern involves alternating operations of addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction, with changing numbers involved in each operation.
So, continuing the sequence:
130 + 68 = 198
Therefore, the complete sequence is:
15, 5, 26, 80, 13, 11, 16, 8, 120, 94, 76, 130, 198

2. What will be the least number which when doubled will be exactly divisible by 12, 18, 21 and 30?

a. 196 b. 630 c. 1260 d. 2520

Ans: To find the least number which when doubled will be exactly divisible by 12, 18, 21, and 30, we need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of these numbers and then double it. First, find the LCM of 12, 18, 21, and 30: LCM(12, 18, 21, 30) = 2^2 × 3^2 × 5 × 7 = 2520 Now, double the LCM: 2520 * 2 = 5040 So, the least number which when doubled will be exactly divisible by 12, 18, 21, and 30 is 5040. However, this answer is not among the options provided. Let’s reevaluate our approach: Given that the options provided are all multiples of 5040, and we are looking for the least number, we can divide each option by 2 (as we are doubling the number). a. 196 = 5040 / 2^5. This number is not divisible by all given numbers. b. 630 = 5040 / 2^3. This number is not divisible by all given numbers. c. 1260 = 5040 / 2^2. This number is not divisible by all given numbers. d. 2520 = 5040 / 2. This number is divisible by all given numbers. Therefore, the correct answer is d. 2520.

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