Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 3 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 3 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 3 Exercise Solution

Advanced Features of Excel 2016

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 3 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 3 Solution

Advanced Features of Excel 2016

Microsoft Excel is a versatile tool that empowers users to manage, analyze, and visualize data effectively. Among its many features, sorting, filtering, and conditional formatting stand out as indispensable tools for organizing and presenting data in meaningful ways. In this article, we will delve into these powerful features and explore how they can enhance your data management experience in Excel.

Sorting Data

Sorting data is essential to arrange information in a logical order, making it easier to locate specific details and identify patterns. Excel provides various options for sorting data:

  1. Basic Sorting: To sort a column of data in ascending or descending order, select the desired column, navigate to the “Data” tab, and click on the “Sort A to Z” or “Sort Z to A” button.

  2. Custom Sorting: Excel enables users to perform custom sorts based on multiple criteria. This is particularly useful when you need to sort data by more than one column.

Filtering Data

Filtering allows users to narrow down data based on specific criteria, making it simpler to focus on relevant information. Excel offers both basic and advanced filtering options:

  1. AutoFilter: AutoFilter is a quick way to filter data by specific values within a column. Click the filter icon next to a column header and select the desired filter criteria.

  2. Advanced Filtering: Excel’s advanced filtering lets users create complex criteria using logical operators (AND, OR) and comparison operators (<, >, etc.) to filter data that meets specific conditions.

  3. Filter by Color or Icon: Excel also enables filtering based on cell color or icon, which can be handy for visually identifying data points that meet certain conditions.

Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting is a powerful tool that allows users to apply formatting to cells based on specific rules or conditions. This feature can help highlight trends, anomalies, and important data points in your spreadsheet:

  1. Highlight Cell Rules: Users can apply formatting to cells that meet certain conditions, such as values greater than a specific number, with options to choose from various formatting styles like font color, background color, and more.

  2. Data Bars and Color Scales: Excel offers data bars that visually represent the magnitude of values in a cell, and color scales that apply varying color shades based on the cell’s value relative to others in the selected range.

  3. Icon Sets: Users can choose from a variety of icons to indicate trends or values in a cell. These icons can represent progress, ratings, or other categorical information.


In the world of data management, Excel’s sorting, filtering, and conditional formatting features are invaluable assets. They allow users to arrange data logically, extract meaningful insights, and present information in a visually appealing manner. By mastering these tools, you can efficiently organize vast amounts of data, uncover patterns and trends, and effectively communicate your findings to others. Whether you’re analyzing financial data, managing a project, or tracking sales figures, Excel’s sorting, filtering, and conditional formatting capabilities will undoubtedly elevate your data management game to new heights.

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 3 Solution

Advanced Features of Excel 2016

1. Tick the correct option.

a. Under which tab, the Sort and Filter command is present?

(i) Home                           (ii) Insert                 (iii) Formula               (iv) View

Ans: Home

b. We use Sort A to Z option to soft …………………

(i) Numbers                                                       (ii) Text

(iii) Symbols                                                      (iv) All of these

Ans: Text

c. When we apply the filter feature, small arrows appear near………………..

(i) Row Headers                                                (ii) Column Headers

(iii) Sheet tab                                                    (iv) None of These

Ans: Column headers

d. Which of the following is not a category used in conditional formatting?

(i) Data Bars                                                    (ii) A to Z

(iii) Top / Bottom Rules                                (iv) Icon Sets

Ans: A to Z 

e. Which option is used to remove conditional formatting?

(i) New Rule                                                      (ii) Clear Rules

(iii) Remove Rules                                           (iv) Delete Rules

Ans: Clear Rules

2. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for false.

a. Excel can arrange data in ascending order only …….F

b. You cannot sort more than one column at a time in a selected range of cells …….F

c. The add Level button is available under the insert tab …….F

d. Sorting can also be done through the Sort & Filter group under the Data tab …….T

e. Conditional Formatting is only used with numeric data. …….F

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Chapter 3 Question Answer

3. Short Answer Type Questions.

a. Define Sorting.

Ans: Sorting of data means organizing the data in ascending or descending order.

b. How do you remove filters?

Ans: Click anywhere in the worksheet and repeat the steps to apply the filters.

c. Which Command is used to hide unimportant data?

Ans: Filter Command is used to hide unimportant data.

4. Long answer type questions

a. What is the difference between sorting and filtering data?

Ans. Sorting Data: Sorting data means to organize the data in ascending or descending order.

Filtering Data: Filtration process which is used to separate unwanted material from a mixture.

b. Write the names of the criteria on the basis of which conditional formatting can be applied.

Ans. Conditional formatting criteria are given below.

  1. Highlight Cell Rules: It opens a sub-list showing criteria like greater than, Less than, Equal to Between, etc.
  2. Top / Bottom Rules: Top 10% Bottom 10 Items etc.
  3. Data Bars: Showing bars of different types and colors
  4. Color Scale: Showing different color variations that can be added to cells
  5. Icon Sets: This option gives attention to the selected cell.

c. Write the steps to apply the custom Sort feature.

Ans: steps are given below

  1. Select the range of columns to be sorted.
  2. Click on the Sort and Filter command under the editing group Home tab.
  3. Click on the Custom Sort option from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the appropriate option from the Sort by, Sort on, and Order options.
  5. Click on the OK button.

d. Write the steps to apply conditional formatting.

Ans: Steps to apply conditional formatting

  1. Select the data to which formatting to be applied.
  2. Click on conditional formatting from the styles group under the home tab and select criteria from the given list.
    • Highlight cell rules.
    • Top / Bottom Rules.
    • Data Bars
    • Color scales.
    • Icon sets.
  3. Select the desired conditional formatting.
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