Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 2 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 2 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 2 Exercise Solution

Charts in Excel 2016

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 2 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 2 Solution

Charts in Excel 2016

Charts are invaluable tools for visually representing data, enabling users to quickly grasp patterns, trends, and insights that might otherwise be hidden within raw numbers. Microsoft Excel, one of the most widely used spreadsheet software, offers a robust suite of charting tools that empower users to transform data into compelling visuals. In this article, we’ll delve into the art of creating and interpreting charts in Excel, equipping you with the skills needed to present your data effectively.

  1. Choosing the Right Chart Type

Excel provides a variety of chart types, each suited to different types of data and the insights you want to convey. Here are some commonly used chart types:

  • Column/Bar Charts: Ideal for comparing data across categories or time periods.
  • Line Charts: Effective for showing trends over time or continuous data.
  • Pie/Donut Charts: Useful for displaying proportions or percentages in a whole.
  • Area Charts: Showcasing trends and cumulative totals over time.
  • Scatter Plots: Visualize relationships between two variables.
  • Histograms: Depicting frequency distributions and data ranges.

Selecting the appropriate chart type is crucial to accurately represent your data and convey your message clearly.

  1. Data Preparation

Before creating a chart, ensure your data is well-organized and free from errors. Excel charts rely on accurate data to generate meaningful visuals. Follow these steps:

  • Arrange Data: Place your data in columns or rows, and label each column/row clearly.
  • Data Consistency: Ensure consistent units and formats across data points.
  • Remove Blanks and Errors: Eliminate empty cells or erroneous data to prevent misleading visuals.
  • Sort Data: Arrange data in a logical order to enhance visualization clarity.
  1. Creating Charts in Excel

Excel’s chart creation process is intuitive and user-friendly:

  • Select Data: Highlight the data you want to include in the chart.
  • Insert Chart: Navigate to the “Insert” tab, choose your preferred chart type, and select the appropriate sub-type.
  • Customize: Excel opens the chart in a new sheet. Customize your chart’s appearance, labels, titles, and other details using the Chart Elements and Chart Styles options.
  • Data Labels and Legends: Add data labels and legends to provide context and clarity to your chart.
  • Chart Tools: The “Design” and “Format” tabs offer advanced customization options to fine-tune your chart’s aesthetics.
  1. Interpreting Charts

Creating a chart is only half the battle; interpreting it correctly is equally important:

  • Title and Labels: Understand the chart’s title, axes labels, and data labels to grasp what the chart represents.
  • Scale: Check the scale of axes to avoid misinterpretation. Improper scaling can exaggerate differences or obscure trends.
  • Patterns and Trends: Identify patterns, trends, and anomalies within the chart. Look for rises, falls, spikes, or plateaus in data.
  • Comparisons: Utilize the chart’s visual nature to compare data points, categories, or time periods effectively.
  • Annotations: If necessary, add annotations to highlight key points or events in the data.
  1. Best Practices

To create impactful charts that effectively communicate your data:

  • Simplicity: Avoid cluttering the chart with excessive data points, labels, or decorations.
  • Color Choices: Use colors that are distinguishable and accessible, especially for colorblind users.
  • Title and Labels: Craft clear and concise titles, labels, and legends.
  • Consistency: Maintain consistent styles across charts in a single presentation to enhance visual coherence.
  • Context: Provide context or additional information alongside the chart to aid interpretation.

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 2 Solution


Excel’s charting capabilities empower users to transform complex data into insightful visuals. By mastering the art of choosing the right chart type, preparing your data meticulously, and interpreting charts accurately, you can effectively communicate your data-driven insights to diverse audiences. Whether you’re presenting sales trends, survey results, or scientific data, Excel charts remain an indispensable tool in your data visualization toolkit.

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Charts in Excle 2016

1. Tick the correct option.

a. What is an effective way to display data in a pictorial form ?

(i) Picture                           (ii) Chart                (iii) Table              (iv) Graphics

Ans: Chart

b. Which of following describes the main aim of the chart?

(i) Title Bar                                                       (ii) Chart Title

(iii) Chart description                                     (iv) X-axis

Ans: Chart Title

c. ………………….. labels includes data values, category name, etc.

(i) Information                                                 (ii) Data

(iii) Axis                                                             (iv) Chart

Ans: Data

d. Which chart is used to show trends over a period of time?

(i) Column                                                        (ii) Line

(iii) Scatter                                                       (iv) Bar

Ans: Line

e. Which chart is used to display the quantitative magnititude of the data graphically?

(i) Bar                                                                (ii) Pie

(iii) Area                                                            (iv) Column

Ans: Area

2. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for false.

a. Data representation using charts is quite inefficient …….F

b. Y-axis of a chart is known as a category axis …….F

c. Chart area includes all objects and elements in a chart. …….T

d. Scatter chart is also know a XY scatter plot charts……..T

e. We cannot create Bar chart in Excel. …….F

3. Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.

Gridlines, Chart, legend, Column, Pie

a. …………… is used to draw comparison and analyse the growth and trends among the values in a table.

Ans: Chart

b. ……………… can be either horizontal or vertical lines.

Ans: Gridlines

c. ………………. shows the meaning of symbol and colours used in a chart.

Ans: Legend

d. The ……………….. chart usually displays the data in the form of vertical bars.

Ans: Column

e. ……………… chart shows only one data series at a time.

Ans: Pie

4. Match the columns.

        Column A                                                                        Column B

a. Area Chart                                                    (i) Trends over a period of time

b. Pie Chart                                                       (ii) Quantitative Magnititude of Data

c. XY Scatter Plot Chart.                                 (iii) Sector showing relative size of each other

d. Line chart                                                       (iv) Correlation between two sets of values 


Charts in excel 2016

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Chapter 2 Question Answer

5. Short Answer Type Questions.

a. What is chart? Explain briefly.

Ans: Chart is a pictorial representation of a data series.

b. Define legend.

Ans: Legend is a key which shows the meanings of symbols and colours used in the chart.

c. What is bar chart?

Ans: It is a type of chart which display the data in the form of long rectangular rods.

d. What is Area Chart. ?

Ans: It is used to display the quantitative magnititude of the data graphically.

6. Long answer type questions

a. What are the differences between line chart and XY scatter chart?

Ans. Line Chart: use used to show trends over a period of time. It is similar to plotting a graph on a graph paper with its values on X and Y asix. conditional formatting can be applied.

XY Scatter Chart: shows the correlations between two sets of values. The X and Y axes are used to represent the data plots on the chart.

b. Explain any 5 Components of a Chart.

Ans. 5 Components of a chart are given below:

  1. Chart Title: It describes the main aim and content of the chart.
  2. X-axis: it is the horizontal axis of the chart. It is also called the category axis.
  3. Y-Axis: It is the vertical axis of the chart. It is also called the value axis.
  4. Plot Area: it is the rectangular area bounded by the two axis.
  5. Chart Area: it includes all the objects and elements of a chart.

c. Write the steps to Change the chart type.

Ans: steps are given below

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Click on the change chart type command from type group under design tab.
  3. select the chart type you want to change.
  4. Now you can see the changed chart
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