Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 7 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 7 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 7 Exercise Solution

More on HTML5

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 7 Solution​

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 7 Solution

More on HTML5

Creating visually appealing and functional websites requires a solid understanding of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). CSS empowers web developers and designers to control the look and layout of web content. In this article, we will delve into essential CSS properties that shape text, fonts, tags and attributes, backgrounds, and margins.

1. Text Properties: Enhancing Readability and Style

CSS text properties allow you to customize the appearance and readability of your text. Key text properties include:

  • color: Sets the color of the text.
  • font-size: Determines the size of the font.
  • font-family: Specifies the typeface or font family to be used.
  • font-weight: Sets the thickness or boldness of the font.
  • line-height: Defines the vertical space between lines of text.
  • text-align: Aligns the text within its container (left, right, center, justify).
  • text-decoration: Adds effects like underline, overline, or strikethrough to text.
  • text-transform: Controls text capitalization (uppercase, lowercase, capitalize).

2. Font Properties: Crafting Typography

Fonts play a crucial role in the visual identity of a website. Font properties help you achieve the desired typography:

  • font-style: Sets the font style to normal, italic, or oblique.
  • font-variant: Controls small-caps rendering for fonts that support it.
  • font-stretch: Adjusts the font width (condensed, expanded).
  • font-size-adjust: Preserves the font’s x-height between different typefaces.
  • font-kerning: Enables or disables kerning (adjusting space between specific letter pairs).

3. Tags and Attributes: Structuring Content

HTML tags and attributes combined with CSS styling create the structure and layout of web content. Semantic tags and attributes aid in accessibility and search engine optimization:

  • class and id: Assign identifiers or classes to elements for targeting with CSS or JavaScript.
  • Semantic tags: <header>, <nav>, <main>, <section>, <article>, <footer>, etc., provide meaningful structure.
  • href, src, alt: Attributes for links and images, enhancing navigation and accessibility.

4. Background Properties: Setting the Stage

Background properties add depth and visual appeal to web pages. These properties include:

  • background-color: Sets the background color of an element.
  • background-image: Specifies the background image.
  • background-repeat: Controls how the background image is repeated (repeat, repeat-x, repeat-y, no-repeat).
  • background-position: Positions the background image.
  • background-size: Adjusts the size of the background image.

5. Margin Properties: Creating Space

Margins create space around elements, aiding in layout and design. Margin properties include:

  • margin: Sets the margin for all sides of an element.
  • margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left: Sets margins for individual sides.
  • margin-collapse: Manages how adjacent margins interact.
  • margin:auto: Centers elements horizontally using automatic margins.

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 7 Solution


Mastering these essential CSS properties is pivotal for crafting modern and appealing web designs. By skillfully manipulating text, fonts, tags, attributes, backgrounds, and margins, developers and designers can create visually stunning and highly functional websites that engage users and convey content effectively. Understanding these properties empowers you to shape web content according to your creative vision and the specific requirements of each project.

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 7 Solution

More on HTML5

1. Tick the correct option.

A. Which tag contains the content of a webpage?
(i) <HTML>                                                          (ii) <HEAD>
(iii) <TITLE>                                                        (iv) <BODY>

Ans: <BODY>

B. Which of the following tags is used to insert a line break?
(i) <BR>                                                              (ii) <P>
(iii) <H1>                                                            (iv) <Hn>
Ans: <BR>
C. Which of the following property is used to add underline the text on webpage?
(i) Text-Transformation                                   (ii) Text-Decoration
(iii) Text-color                                                    (iv) All of these

Ans: Text-Decoration

D. The ……………………… tag are used to add headings in a web page.
(i) Heading                                                       (ii) Style
(iii) Superscript                                               (iv) Subscript

Ans: Heading

2. Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.

Margin, <P>, Markup, <SUP>, <SUB>

A. HTML is a …………… language
Ans: Markup
B. The ……………. is the space that appears around an element.
Ans: Margin
C. The ………………….. tag is used to define a selection of text as a paragraph.
Ans: <P>
D. The ………………….. tag is used to write the chemical formula of water.
Ans: <SUB>
E. The ………………….. tag is used to write the formula of (a+b)^2.
Ans: <SUP>

3. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for false.

A. The <p> tag has no attribues to align text. …….F
B. The heading tag has 5 levels …….F
C The background colour of the web page can be defines only once. …….F
D The colour of the text cannot be changed in a web page………F
E The <BR> tag is used to draw lines between paragraphs …….F

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Chapter 4 Question Answer

4. Short Answer Type Questions.

A. What is the use of the <HR> tag?
Ans: HR tag is used to add horizontal line in a webpage.
B. Which property is used for indentation in HTML5?
AnsText-indent property is used for indentation.
C. Which tag will be frequently used to write algebraic formulas?
Ans: <SUP> tag is used to write algebraic formulas

5. Long answer type questions

A. Explain the use of horizontal ruler tag and its various attributes
Ans. Horizontal ruler tag is used to divide your webpage into different sections. It is also used when you want to draw a line between two paragraphs Size, width & color are its attributes.
B. Explain the uses of the font property in detail.
Ans. Uses of font properties are given below:
  1. Font Family: Specifies the font to be used (Font Face)
  2. Font Size: Specifies the font size used on the web page.
  3. Font Style: Specifies the style of the font like Bold, Italic, Underline.
C. Distinguish between:
(i) <SUB> and <SUP> tags
Ans: <SUB> tag is used to turn the enclosed text into a subscript.
Example: H2O
Syntax: H<Sub>2</Sub>O
<SUP> tag is used to turn the enclosed text into a Superscript.
Example: E=mc2
Syntax: E=mc<Sup>2</Sup>
(ii) Text-align and text-indent
Ans: Text-align:
Property Name – Text-align,
Value – left, right, center, justify, 
Discription: Specifies the alignment of the text.
Property Name – Text-indent,
Value – Length in pixels or percentage 
Discription: specifies the indentation of the first line of the text.
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