Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 4 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 4 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 4 Exercise Solution

Moe on Animate CC

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 4 Solution

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 4 Solution

More on Animate CC

n Adobe Animate CC, which is now known as Adobe Animate, “tweens” refer to the animation process of creating intermediate frames between two keyframes to produce smooth motion. There are several types of tweens available in Adobe Animate CC:

  1. Classic Tween: This is the traditional tweening method where you set keyframes at the beginning and end of an animation sequence. The software automatically generates frames in between to create the animation. Classic tweens are commonly used for simple animations like position, scale, and rotation changes.

  2. Motion Tween: Motion tweens are a more advanced version of classic tweens. They allow you to animate the properties of an object, such as position, size, rotation, skew, and more, over a specified span of frames. You can also adjust the easing and other parameters to control the animation’s acceleration and deceleration.

  3. Shape Tween: Shape tweens are specifically used to animate changes in the shape of vector objects over time. For instance, you can use a shape tween to morph one shape into another. Shape tweens work well for animations that involve transforming the outline of an object.

  4. 3D Rotation Tween: This type of tween allows you to create animations where an object appears to rotate in three dimensions. You can apply this type of tween to symbols to create more complex animations.

  5. Frame-by-Frame Animation: While not a tweening method per se, this approach involves creating each frame of the animation individually. This technique provides the most control but can be time-consuming for complex animations.

  6. Classic Motion Guide: This involves creating a path that an object follows, which is defined by keyframes along the path. The object then moves along this path smoothly, following the guide’s trajectory.

Keep in mind that Adobe software and features might evolve over time, so it’s possible that newer features have been introduced since my last update in September 2021. Always refer to the most recent Adobe Animate documentation or tutorials for the latest information on available tweening options.

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Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Ch 4 Solution

More on Animate CC

1. Tick the correct option.

a. Which of the following tween is a type of transition?

(i) Motion                                                            (ii) Classic

(iii) Shape                                                            (iv) None of these

Ans: Classic

b. The default FPS in animate is set to …………………………………

(i) 45                                                                   (ii) 34

(iii) 24                                                                 (iv) 54

Ans: 24

c. The timeline colour changes to ………………. when a shape tween is created.

(i) Red                                                                (ii) Purple

(iii) Green                                                           (iv) Yellow

Ans: Green

d. Which of the following is used to place drawings?

(i) Timelines                                                     (ii) Boards

(iii) Layers                                                        (iv) Stages

Ans: Layers

e. …………………… in animate is used to hide a selected part and display content.

(i) Layer                                                              (ii) Masking

(iii) Actions script                                             (iv) Formatting

Ans: Masking

2. Fill in the blanks using the words from the help box.

Break Apart, Properties, Masking, Layers

a. ……………….. is used in Animate to hide a selected part from the audience.

Ans: Masking

b. ……………… allow us to keep the elements of the animation separate by acting as transparent sheets.

Ans: Layers

c. The ………………. panel allows to change font, size, color, etc. of the selected text.

Ans: Properties

d. The ……………….. option under modify menu is used to format contents of text separately

Ans: Break apart

3. Write ‘T’ for True and ‘F’ for false.

a. The automatic animation created in Animate CC is called Tween …….T

b. Classic tween is mainly used for transition purposes …….T

c. Motion tween smoothly morphs a rectangle into a star. …….F

d. The Shape Tween is indicated by the Yellow colour on the Timeline……..F

e. The Break Apart option is used to split a word into individual characters. …….T

Touchpad Computer Book Class 7 Chapter 4 Question Answer

4. Short Answer Type Questions.

A. Define tween.

Ans: The movement of an object in-between the frames is called Tween.

B. What are the various types of tween available in Animate CC ?

Ans: 1) Motion Tween               2) Classic Tween             3) Shape Tween

C. How is Classic tween different from Motion tween?

Ans: Motion tween makes an object move along a guided path wheres classic tween is prmarily used for transition.

5. Long answer type questions

A. What are layers? How are they useful in Animate?

Ans. Layers are the sheets on which you pace your drawings, animations, and objects. Layers allow us to keep the elements of the animation separate stacked on on top of other.

B. Write the steps to animate text in Animate?

AnsSteps are given below:

  1. Click on the Text Tool from tool Panel.
  2. Underproperties panel choose the font size, color style, etc.
  3. Type your text on the stage you want to animate, we can individually split the text with the Break Apart option.
  4. Select the text with Selection Tool and change the color.
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